Saturday, March 26, 2011


                                                                                                                            Miami, FL. March 23rd  of 2011

To The Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton                                                                                   To The   Attorney General Department of Justice  Eric H. Holder, Jr.                                              TO HUMAN DECENCY.

         It speaks for Cuba the voice of "Luis Posada Carriles", crushed under enemy bullets, and exhaulted by Honor.  The righteousness of his life; his journey through sacrifice his  will to fight, his faith in God; inspire in us the courage of not give up or rest till his dream will reach its destiny of seeing Cuba in a democracy and freedom again.

         Is amazing to read the late given facts of evidence to the defense to take away time to analyze what is hurting his image and the evidence of the law in a land where it became the 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA against Luis Posada Carriles'.  The object of justice should prevail in this great nation proud of its human rights and ethical values and which its public money, citizens money, belonging to the different municipals entities, county, state and nation are supposedly to be used on trials, is a reality which hurts and is an insult applied to finance fully a jury and his communist witnesses against a soldier from a country that is only able to get help from brothers & friends.

         Luis Posada Carriles used to direct a group of Infiltration in Cuba, he cooperated, trained and fulfilled his duties with the (C.I.A.) Central Intelligence Agency, was second lieutenant in the United States Army, he agreed being transferred to Venezuela to fight the communist regime & guerrillas instructed from Cuba.  They  try to kill him.   In return he killed in self defense,   they deformed by torture his face, his breathing and his voice. In Miami where this document is being written evil doings are being planned against him. In the case off the BARBADOS PLANE he was acquitted by a Venezuelan civil jury and a military one. In other he had only assumed responsibilities concerning morale issues and solidarities.  The Castro regime which are the leaders of the international terrorism as well as Hugo Chavez and others like them.

Luis Posada Camiles kept on with his historical stories of bravery and self motivation in El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Mexico  and  others parts in Africa and the world. In the chest of an honor soldier beat the fifty stars of the American flag and the lonely star of the Cuban flag.  Nevertheless, Posada is being judge instead of being honored.

Because of respect to the American justice unworthy to be compare to a Coronel from the Cuban administration under the Castro regime or the heroic institution of  the United States is urgent to use common sense, do not make a mistake by taking the wrong step.

To condemn Luis Posada Carriles will give the thoughts that it doesn't matter to serve a country that doesn't know the difference between a friend or an enemy and condemns a hero to please the totalitarians which spit the United States, The President, The Judiciary system The State, they punished the patriot and honored the enemy that in returns degrades justice & freedom. Have Dignity Gone?

Although nationally Cubans and Latin-Americans are now determine to denounce, persecute, punish morally and politically the authors of such infamous cowardy and treason, therefore we have something extraordinary to tell:  In all kind of circumstances, even condenm Luis will keep his military righteousness to tell: Give me an order United States in me you have a soldier!



PRESIDENT: Dr. Luis Conte Agüero

VICEPRESIDENTS: Dr. Alberto Fibla,  Lic. Mario L. Echevarría, Dr. Osvaldo Soto, Ricardo Fernando Llosa, Jorge Gutiérrez :Sheriff”, Dolia Leal Francisco, Néstor Aguilar Ramírez, Dr. Salvador Lew, Lic. Mario Remedios de los Cuetos, Joel Borges, Orlando Evangelista Martínez, Alfonso Prado, Jorge Gutiérrez, Servilio Pérez, Rosalía y Mario Jiménez, Osvaldo González, Jorge Pérez, Cosette Escarrá, Víctor J. Ochoa, Omara González.

DIRECTORS: Senador Marco Rubio, Congresista David Rivera.
Senadores Estatales: Miguel Díaz de la Portilla, Anitere Flores, René García
Representantes estatales: Carlos López Cantera, líder de la mayoría; Erik Fresen, Presidente de la Juventud Ortodoxa y Chairman Republicano de Miami-Dade; Frank Artiles, Esteban Bovo, José Félix Díaz, Eddy González, Juan Carlos Zapata, Frank Arza, Luis C. Morse, Manuel Priéguez, Julio Robaina, Jorge Rodríguez-Chomat. Alcalde Tomás Regalado, Comisionado Willy Gort, Alcalde Yioset de la Cruz. Comisionados Bruno Barreiro, Senador Javier Souto, Jimmy Morales, Pedro Reboredo. Concejales Carlos Hernández, Presidente del Concejo de Hialeah, Pepe Yedra. Luigi Goria, Manuel Duaso, Luciano L. Suárez, Pete Cabrera, Hermán Echevarría, Cindy Miel, Vanesa Bravo, Manuel Fernández. Comisionados de Educación Reinier Díaz de la Portilla y Raquel Regalado.- Frank Bolaños, Frank Cobo. Tasador de la Propiedad, Pedro J. García. Ex Jueces Mario Goderich e Iván Hernández. Numerosos jueces activos del Condado y el Circuito.

COMMISSIONERS: Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez, Millie Fresen, Marta Ochoa, Lizet Hanna, Luis González, Carlos Lagos. Lourdes Lozano, Ricardo Irrisarri, Dulce M. Acosta, Lic. Mario A. Agüero, Juan Avalos MD, Roger Béquer, Héctor Cancio, Pedro Angel Castillo, Cristóbal Noguera, Daisy Casañas y centinela Juan García, Delia A. Castellanos, Manolo Fernández Cano, Alicia R. Casanova Jr. Waldo Faura, Cptn Alfredo Fernández Gámez, Margarita y Manuel Fernández, José Fresnedo, Eduardo Garcell, Blanca González, Orlando Guitián, Luis Hernández, Juan Guillermo Herrera, Zenaida y Tom Iglesias, Gustavo M. Lemos, Gonzalo López, Lilia y Julián Miel, Luis Martín Gual, José Miranda, Benito Mongeotti, Cheo Morell, Dr. Carlos Muñoz Fontanils, José Nochea, Yolanda y Ramón Ortiz, Armando Palma, Fabián Pacheco, José Pazos, Humberto J. Pellón,  Elio Pérez, Tony Pérez, Alberto Ramos, Eduardo de Robles, Manolo Reyes, Elsa Rodríguez, James A. Shedd, Mike Suérez, Richard Tapia, Aurelia de la Torre, Luis Valdés, Carlos y María del Valle, Jay Zambrana.

Convocatoria: Ana Elías, Hortensia Aguirrechu, Dra. Luisa M. Serrano, Maresa a. Expósito, Milagros Loyal, y Comisión.-
Finanzas Dr. Héctor Lans, Ignacio Urbieta, George Fernández, Silvia y José M. González, José L Delaosa, Lic. José Alvarez, Dr. Vicente Rodríguez, José Llerena, Rogelio Espinosa, Sira Valido. Tomés Deeb y Comisión.
Juventud: Rep. Erik Fresen y María Dolores García Atty; Alfredo Santamaría, Director Ejecutivo, Orlanfo F. Guitián, Madelín M D”Arce Atty,  Lorenzo Cobiella AttyJuan David Puerta, Raúl Diéguez y Comisión.-
Municipios de Cuba en el Exilio: Shelley y Mario L.Echevarría.- Carmen y Orlando Cordovés, Lázara Otero, Edilio Vasallo, Dr. Julio Castañeda, Isaura Vázquez, Conchita Acosta, Miriam Quirós -Pedro Perdomo, Ciro Viamontes,  Bella Azze -Pta Miami Cuban Lyons Club, Consuelo Tuya, leonismo, Nilda Cuevas, Gilda Hernández, Silvia Morales, Edilia Iparraguirre, Enrique Cuervo, Jesús Nochea y Comisión. Y Comisión.
Justicia: Abogados Alex Hanna.- Mery López Palma, Elena Tauler, Vidal Velis, Josie Pérez Velis, José Enrique Puente, Dr. Armando Bucelo, Dr. Oscar Morales. Asesoría Legal: José Gregorio Tovar. Y  Comisión.
Proselitismo: Norma y Dr. Hipólito M. León.- Mariano Cruz, Gilberto Chávez, Juvenal Montesinos, Margarita Armona, Daniel Bolaños, Juan D’Arce, Joaquín Salazar, Fernando Alvarez, Ramón Alvarez, Deyanira Crusco, Reinaldo Jui, Miguel Davlanco, Raúl González, Manuel Leyva, Ebilio Vasallo, Marta González, Roberto González, Roberto Rodríguez,  Orestes Rodrígue, Enriqe Miranda, Fernando A. Núñez, Lydia M. Espinosa, Dotty Vázquez.-
Militar: USA: Colonel Antonio Colmenares (Marines).- Colonel David Carbonero, Axel J. Pérez, Captain Jerry Tale, Elizabeth y Sargent Alex Martínez, 1rst Sgt Fernando Labrada, 1rst Sgt Patricio González, Sgt. Frank Artiles, Sgt.Lionel Malavé, Sgt. Fermín Jiménez; Juan Sanfiel, Juan Sanfiel Jr, José Antonio Colmenares. – CUBA: Coronel Fernando Costa,  Capitán Antonio Sansón Casanova, Teniente José Joaquín Tasis. Aviación: Leonardo Sinkovitz.- Cptn. Edelberto Espinosa, Cptn. Orlando Fernández Carrandi.- Brigada 2506: Sen.Javier Souto, Rep. Luis C. Morse, Jorge Gutiérrez, Dr. Arturo Pérez Heredia, Miguel del Valle.- Resistencia: Calixto Campos Corona.- Arturo Rodríguez, Juan García, Juan Fiol, Eduardo Martínez, Carlos Calvo.
Educación: Dra. Arminda Espinosa, Dres. Landy y Melquiades Torres, Dra. Juana F.Rippes, Dr. Gerardo González Fundora. Prof. Antonio de la Luz, Cookie Cooke y Dr. Eduardo Bofill, Dra Walkyria Dolz.
Publicidad: Armando Gutiérrez, Ricardo Arrégui, Paulina Fátima.-
Profesionales: Dres. Elena y Oscar Cedeño.- Dr. Sergio Yanes, Dra. Leyda Hevia.- Obreros: René L. Díaz y Comisión.
Comercio: Fernando Domínguez y Comisión.
Beneficencia: María Hidalgo Díaz, Bárbara Sánchez.-
Católicos: Lidia y Joaquín Piñón.- María Teresa y Raúl López Pérez. José Luis Pérez, Norma Pérez, Eduardo Ortega, Diego Guillén.- Protestantes: Rev. Fermín Castañedas.- Masonería: Mario Díaz Talavera y Comisión.-
Hospitalidad: Rosa María Elías y Luis Carrera, Eva Moredo, Liliana Moredo, José M. Rodríguez. Eredia Rodríguez, Willy Vázquez, Mich Amador.-
Medicina:, Dr. Modesto Mora.- Dr. Raúl Inda,  Dr. Misael González, Dr. Jorge Suárez Menéndez, Dr. Luis A. Espina, Dra. Ramona Paneque Abed, Dr. Víctor Verjano, Dr. Ariel Arias, Dra Odalis Fontela, Rogelio y Xiomara Lee, Dra/ María Teresa Alvarez, Dra. Ana Rodríguez, .-
Musicales: Eloy Cepero. Entretenimiento: Rossana Solari, Rita María Rivero, Elena y Oscar Duardo, Yohan Rodríguez, Orlando Guerra.-
Industria: Lorenzo C. Morales, Margarita e Ing. Remberto Bastanzuri, Rosa e Ing. Melchor G. Palomo.- Ing. José F. Malé, Nereida y, Eudel y Marilú Morales.-
Organismos oficiales: Congresista David Rivera.-
Prensa: Vicente P. Rodríguez.- José Arenal, Jorge P. Castaño, Mirta Pestana, Eladio José Armesto, Marta Ramos, Eduardo Hanono, Roosevelt Bernal, Mike Baralt, Arnaldo Ramos “Maritzo”, Estrella Durán, Eduardito Monzón, Angela Palacios,Tony Recio, Paul Debesa, César Marín. Antonio y Marina Obregón, Jorge de la Cruz. Carlos Llodré Morúa, , María A. Romero. Prensa Internacional Justo Ramos, Yola Vega.  Telecomunicaciones: Juan A, Vega
Vigilia Mambisa: Miguel Saavedra, Laura Vianello.-
Cámaras de Comercio: Lic.Raúl López Pérez.
Presidio Político: Alberto Ramos.- Jesús Díaz Pacheco, Greeten Leonor de las Casas, Ignacio Cuesta Valle, Ignacio Montoro. .-

Convención Ortodoxa Panamericana (COPA): Chairman: Dr.Luis Conte Agüero, Presidenta-CEO Gloria Bolaños Pons (Guatemala).- Peter y Karla Adrien (Trinidad) Prof.Héctor Darío Pastora (Nicaragua) Don Diego Lozano (España), Lic. Roberto Iriarte, Connie Flores (El Salvador), Alberto Mackasio (Colombia) Richard Olivares, Fernando y Fernanda Núñez, Dr. Enrique Miranda, Lucía Otero, Antonio Ramos, Rossana Solari (Perú) Gustavo A. Lemos (Ecuador), Eliodoro Vallejo (Bolivia). Delegado de Ecuador en Miami, Gustavo Lemos. María Eugenia Reyes (Paraguay)  Pablo Schaffner (Uruguay) Lic. José Alvarez (República Dominicana) Marco G. Palmero, Enma Ocaña, Ola Onetti, Benjamín de Yurre, Sr y Jr, Alicia Peña, CarlosSabando. Juan Vega (Chile) Florencia Trongé’ (Argentina)), Antonio Ramos,
(Delegado en Perú, Congresista Rosa María León Presidenta del Parlamento Andino) (Delegado en Ecuador, Congresista Fausto Lupera, Vicep. del Parlamento Andino)
DELEGADOS: Dr. Antonio Alcaide, España; Dr.José Manuel Ramón Murga (Europa, REPRESENTANTES: Gertrudis Azcoitea, Rafael Alburquerque, Angela y Mariana Alfonso, Ramadan Alí, Inaldo Alvarez, Yolanda y Ramón Alvarez, Isabel Arce, Carlos Arregui, Margarita Bastanzuri, Alberto Benretst, Danny Bolaños, Carmen Cabré, Pedro Cabrera, Rafael Carrera, Angel y Nélida Cima, Orlando Cordoba, Carmen Delgado, Lino Elías, José Fernández, Miriam Fernández, Abelardo García, Amanda García, Lucía Garri, Radelkis Gómez, Dolores González, Mario González, Caridad Hernández, René Hernández, Rosalía Jiménez ,Odalys Inda, Ana Jenot, Edna y Marta Lanza, Juan León, , Beningno López, Concepción López, Eusebio López, Hiram Martínez, Cira Matías, Reynaldo Maya, Vicente  Mayans, Graciela Mayo, Edna y Guillermo Muñoz, Dra. Rebeca Muñoz Fontanills, Dolores Nigaglioni, María Ortega, Lázara Ortega, Vilma Palacios, Berta Pallás, Josefa Pérez Cuadrado, María Teresa Pérez, Lic. Armando Pomar, Caridad Morejón Prado, Many Pujol Garrido, María y Efraín Quiñones, Marino Ramos, Ana Rosa Rodríguez, Félix Rodríguez, Jorge Roger, Tolanda Saad, David Salinas, Maribella y Rafael Sánchez, Ignacio Sosa, Georgina y Jesús Sardiñas, Limbania y José Urda, Adelaida Vázquez, María M. Valdés, Carmelina Ventura,  Alcides Villacampa, Jay Zambrana.  

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